Hashtag: UXAustralia
joe lamantia
slides to accompany the recording are here: slidesha.re/RuXlGS #languageofdiscovery #ageofinsight #uxaustralia
joe lamantia
audio from my #UXAustralia talk Designing Big Data Interactions Using the Language of Discovery is available bit.ly/WQJdLH
joe lamantia
just tasted the Tim Tams I brought back from #UXAustralia – they are indeed ‘delicious chocolate biscuits’ as the Cole’s […]
joe lamantia
RT @UXMastery: Twenty Takeaways from the UX Australia 2012 Conference bit.ly/Po6O2Y #uxaustralia
joe lamantia
RT @railey180: New @boomworks blog post -my highlights from #uxaustralia 2012 inc @S_Cox @MoJoe @docbaty & @jakecausby My top 4 […]
joe lamantia
RT @UXMastery: @MoJoe Here’s a sketchnote I created of your #uxaustralia talk Joe. Travel safe! Cheers ^matt flickr.com/photos/uxmaste…
joe lamantia
RT @docbaty: @mojoe with champagne flute in hand at #uxaustralia bit.ly/Rv6CyF fitting way to mark the close of a great […]
joe lamantia
Slides from my #uxaustralia talk Designing Big Data Interactions Using the Language of Discovery are available slidesha.re/RuXlGS
joe lamantia
RT @hwakelam: My light bulb moment for this morning @mojoe’s #languageofdiscovery #uxaustralia
joe lamantia
Hello Brisbane and #UXAustralia – who’s up for lunch today?
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