Hashtag: UX
joe lamantia
RT @johncutlefish: 12 Signs You’re Working in a Feature Factory — 3 Years Later #prodmgmt #ux #design amplitude.com/blog/12-signs-…
joe lamantia
RT @krees: Gonna say it again: WE’RE HIRING! Come join us in building out our enterprise ML Platform. #productdesign #ux […]
joe lamantia
RT @CGLambdin: Just remember: Frozen frames means frozen context. #agile #ux twitter.com/johncutlefish/…
joe lamantia
RT @ElWexicano: Ten principles that work with any methodology #ui23 #ux #agile #lean #designthinking
joe lamantia
RT @IATV: MIT Media Lab: “Journal of Design and Science” jods.mitpress.mit.edu (mit.edu) #design #ux
joe lamantia
RT @mjbroadbent: Complete set of my @EnterpriseUX visual notes is posted: flickr.com/photos/merrybr… #eux15 #sketchnotes #ux #DesignInTech
joe lamantia
one thing clear at #strataconf: the big data community thinks of all interaction w/ data as visualization #missingthebiggerpicture #UX #IXD
joe lamantia
“Do not use your browser BACK button, especially on pages where xxx provides its own BACK button.” #deadgiveawayyourapphasacraptastic #UX
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