Hashtag: Trump
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: If #Trump meant what he said about finding common ground, he would not have put out talking points […]
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: 22 Republican senators whose campaigns got more than $10m in oil, gas, coal money since 2012 wrote #Trump […]
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: #Trump achievement: Radically undermining a seven-decade alliance in a couple of days. He’s making America weaker, not great.…
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: So now it’s official: #Trump and his companies see themselves as above the Constitution. HT @CREWcrew #Emoluments https://t.…
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: What’s #Trump’s greatest 100-day achievement? Diverting us over and over from the #Russia story. My column: https://t.co/aYxM…
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: After the Yates firing, will any Republican Senators stand up & demand an Attorney General who will not […]
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: “You don’t have to disagree with #Trump’s policies to be rattled to the core by his unhinged behavior.” […]
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: #Trump’s problem not w/ media or Dem pols but with the American people-New @GallupNews on transition: 51% disapprove […]
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: #Trump proved #Obama’s point. My column: Outgoing prez warns of threats to democracy. Incoming prez shows he is […]
joe lamantia
RT @EJDionne: #Trump presents the Electoral College with a dilemma. Defeating him threatens institutions but so does electing him: https://…